
Mission before misters: a musing for my sisters

Funny how God can use something that you wrote months ago to help give perspective now. Thought I'd share again, in case someone else needs the reminder too.

He is NOT the right guy
if it isn't Gods time.
That's why I'm dropping lines
to tell messing around good bye.
Won't sit with a mountain of heartbreak and fears
And allow my cascading tears
to wash the joy from my single years.
So my someone while I wait for "you"
I have other things I have been called to.
Been commissioned to tell the world what is true
Image bearer, light bringer
Even if there's never a ring on my finger.
Yet despite my calling my wishes still linger
So I bury my dreams father, deep in your hand
It's where my future is, whatever you've planned.
I have always been kept by the only one who can
Created for purposes bigger then just finding a man.
He's making me more like my Jesus every moment
Not a copycat faith, this is mine. I own it.
I share in the greatest love story of all time,
but some how I am so focused on "when do I get mine?"
I look to the future without eternity in mind
His Love lets us see, sin is what's blind.
Why do I live like a relation ship will fix
A world that's as busted as a house made out of sticks?
tall dark and handsome
This Broken world can't ransom
Contentment does not lie
Deep within sparkling eyes
But in the warm embrace of a father
Who is always there if I'd just bother
To open up the pages
that I've kept shut for ages
But by not reading those commands
Am I no longer guilty, do I have clean hands?
Line after line point to one man for me
Jesus Christ who died as he hung on a tree.
Now I am not giving up on a family someday
But while I am waiting I can do more than just pray.
Fill my life with learning and serving,
Get my flickering faith back to burning.
I am so aware of every flaw in every guy I meet
But never one time facing the sin I should defeat
Because if he's the kind of guy that God has told me to accept
then I should be the type of girl that kind of guy respects
Struck anew by my constant need for Christ
With out him I won't even get contently waiting right.
Need his power to fulfill his own good plan
Need his strength, not a man,
to obey what he commands.


Purple is my favorite color...

I love purple. Not only because it is so pretty, but because it stands for something, and someone that I believe in. Purple is the color that symbolizes Cystic Fibrosis awareness. I know that in today's world, there are so many cure's being looked for, that it can be easy to just write this one off as one more cause that is great for someone else to support. But for me it is so much more than that. There are names, faces, not just of people, but of people I love. Why am I writing this now? Well for starters it is Cystic Fibrosis Awareness month. And next week I am participating in a fundraiser walk. But this post also coincides with my Mother's Day series. Yes, I know I got behind on those, and so this one is a little out of order.

But I want you to meet my motivation for this walk.
It seems weird to write this to you guys, so I am just going to write to her, and let you guys in on it =)

Lindsey, In the last year and a half I have seen you grow and change so much. From the moment I saw you hold your little girl, something about you was different. All the fears about what being a mom would be like seemed not to matter, and I guess I can understand why when I see Rylee's face. She is beautiful, and you are doing a beautiful job with her. Every hug, smile and laugh on her face is proof of your love and care for her. She is growing up in such a caring environment, and is so in love with her mommy! I love watching your little family as she grows.
In the last year you also changed in your view of life with Cystic Fibrosis. I saw your determination to fight CF grow, and it is still growing. I am so proud of the way you are committing to raise money, and awareness for research. But more than that, I am proud of your decisions to take care of you. Every time you do your therapies, even though you are tired, or it just doesn't seem worth it, you are keeping your promise to Rylee. I know it may seem backwards at times, but by doing what is best for you, you are doing the best for her too. Keep it up!
I love you so much Linds, and I am glad that I get to be your cousin, and even better your friend.

My cousins were diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis when they were 5 and 7 after years of battling "asthma". The diagnosis was a relief in some ways, because it was an answer to what was wrong. However simply knowing what you have is not a comfort when there is no cure.
For those of you who don't know what Cystic Fibrosis is, or how it effects peoples daily lives, here are a couple links where you can learn more, or ask me in person.

If you are interested in supporting our team this week by donating, we would really appreciate it. It sounds cheesy, but literally every dollar makes a difference. Here is the link. http://www.cff.org/Great_Strides/ColleenCraynon8044

Thanks for lending me your time =)